#283: The Good, The Bad (Timing), and The Ugly
The Good Changes
Working at the Post Office has changed me. For one thing I eat just twice a day on days when I work (breakfast and supper). I'm also more focused on getting things done. Overall, my work has given me a chance to see how jobs could conceivably be made more enjoyable. Really? Jobs that are fun? Yes, and I've written about this in some detail, here. This is the good change that is possible, and the Post Office is a likely candidate to lead the way.
The Bad (timing) Changes
There are also changes that any would-be efficient organization can make to streamline operations, and so help the bottom line. These changes, like removing excess drop-boxes (in an era of lower mail volume), are best carried out during the off season in the Spring and Summer when mail volume is especially low. Executing efficiencies during the Christmas rush, combined with an important national election that will see increased vote-by-mail is simply bad timing or worse.
The Ugly
Finally, there's the manifestly criminal intent behind any effort to deny certain voters their right to vote. Impeding the mail for that purpose must be stopped, and punished.