Sunday, March 1, 2015

Women Are The Key


Let's look, in very general terms, at why women are key to our progress as a species.

Women are usually credited with having their family's best interests in mind, compared to men who tend to be more self-centered.  In general terms that's because men emphasize the better path, comparatively, concentrating on whether individuals pass the worthiness test, measured against an ideal.  It is therefore quite common for men to not only become self-absorbed, but to become lost in testy competitiveness, long after that focus has outlived its purpose.

What men can sometimes forget is that beauty, creativity and wisdom are the goals towards which all the testing and competitiveness in the world should be focused.  Women simply remind men of that.  So, to the extent that women are subjugated or ignored, there will be failure to focus on what's important and instead, we get a tribalism that is basically one-upmanship gone awry: in religion, for example.   

The usual argument in favor of women's rights is utilitarian: that women are generally good at caring for children, playing the role of housewife, being supportive and so on, and that these roles serve to maintain society.  

And while there is undoubtedly truth in the women-as-maintainers argument, the often obscured key is that, again in general terms, society needs women to remind men, in real time, what they're aiming for.  Written rules can be used as a substitute, of course, but are at least one step removed from real time, and subject to interpretive drift.  A calcified set of religious do-dos and don't-don'ts is often the result of men substituting rules for real-life experience.

Okay, you say, but who and what educates women to the point where they're able to serve their 'true north' function?  Again, in general terms, this is something that happens, just as men are good at testing for worthiness.  Education is simply the process that enables.

What are the implications, then, for our species, aside from the obvious importance to be placed in women's freedom?  As a man I can understand all this in general terms, but obviously it's more likely that a women will grasp the particulars better than I will.  Which leads one, again obviously, to the conclusion that a female president to lead this country, or any country, is a good in and of itself.

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