To A Longer Life
Me*** Start With Average Life-Expectancy
Female: 81 Male: 76 76
*** Definite Additions and Subtractions:
Cigarette Smoking, light (irregular, 4 or fewer years) = -1 year 75 (college years)
" " heavy (regular, 5+ years) = -3 years
Alcohol Consumption, light (irregular) = +2 years
" " medium (regular) = +1 year
" " heavy (uncontrolled) = -4 years
Caffeine (tea, coffee, chocolate), light (irregular) = +1 year
" medium (regular) = +2 years 77
" heavy (obsessive**) = 0 years
Diet of few fruits and veggies = -4 years
" of only some fruits and veggies = -1 year
" of mainly fruits and veggies = +4 years 81
" heavy on the carbs = extra -1 year
" 95%+ organic = extra +1 year 82
" vegetarian = extra +2 years
" vegan, first 1-3 years = extra +1 year
" vegan for 4+ years*** = extra -4 years
Worklife (sitting, except for breaks) = -2 years
" (moving on feet, repetitive) = -1 years
" (moving, non-repetitive) = +5 years 87
*** Subjective Additions and Subtractions (pick a number)
Social Life, meager (always wanting a companion) = -3, -4, -5 years
" , limited (rarely wanting companion) = +2, +3, +4 years 90
" , robust (engaged with companions) = +2, +3, +4 years
" , overwhelmed (can't get away) = -3, -4, -5 years
Movement, Spare Time (couch potato) = -3, -4, -5 years
" (light movement & rest) = -1, 0, +1 years 90
" (vigorous move. & rest) = +3, +4, +5 years
Sleep, interrupted (by pet, companion, work, worries) = -2, -3, -4 years
" , uninterrupted, but tired during day = 0, -1, -2 years
" , uninterrupted, rarely tired = +1, +2, +3 years 91
" , uninterrupted and deep, using sleep aid = extra +2, +3, +4 years 95 (melatonin)
Drug Use, marijuana (regular, irregular, never again) = -2, 0, +4 years
" , addiction = -3, -7, -11 years
" , non-addictive, positive experience = 0, +2, +4 years
Air, city = 0, -2, -4
" , country = -1, 0, +1 95
Highest Possible Score: 118/123 (male/female) Lowest: 27/32 (male/female)
*** Your Score:
27 - 49 = Hey dude, lighten up
50 - 89 = Come on, you can do it
90 - 123 = She's got it
Me at 95 = Wow, that's a long life. I'd be on the train to Luckytown if this played out.
If you're in the 50-89 zone, there's probably room for additional nuance, and it likely boils down to three questions:
1. Do you have trouble sticking to a decision you know to be right? For example, "Potatoes are vegetables, riiiight? So double my fries." That is, there's a constant fight inside your head between what's the right, hard path, and the wrong, easy path? Fight: subtract 3-5 years. No fight: add 1-2.
2. Do you value intent in your life? Is there a reason why you choose to do something one day and not another? Yes: add 6-8 years.
3. Do you look forward to the future? Are there people and projects in your life that you eagerly look forward to engaging with? Yes: add 3-4 years.
** Caffeine to excess almost certainly impacts sleep
*** Apparently, a vegan diet will exhaust the liver's stored supply of certain key nutrients after about 4-5 years, and in subsequent years health may gradually suffer accordingly.
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