Good News: National Security Advisor: From 'F' to 'A-'
Bad News: Many More 'F's than 'A's and 'B's
The Bumbler 45000 has grown tired of Trump's steady 40%-45% zone approval rating. So, it's breaking out a new scoresheet to be updated in the months to come. It'll track Trump's key appointments, leaving out personalities it feels aren't worth the necessary computing power.Vice President: Mike Pence
Chief of Staff: Rince Priebus
Chief Strategist: Stephen Bannon
State: Rex Tillerson
Treasury: Steven Mnuchin - a Democrat, corporate variety: C
Defense: James Mattis - Thinking man's advisor; though civilian control of defense is best: B+
National Security Advisor: H. R. McMaster - Another independent thinker; also military brass: B+
Attorney General: Jeff Sessions
Interior: Ryan Zinke - Shot down public lands selloff; is an outdoorsman: C+
Agriculture: Sonny Perdue (nominated)
Commerce: Wilbur Ross
Labor: Alex Acosta (nominated)
Health and Human Services: Tom Price
Housing and Urban Development: Ben Carson
Transportation: Elaine Chao - former Sec. of Treasury: C
Energy: Rick Perry
Education: Betsy DeVoss
Veterans: David Shulkin - Able administrator with no axe to grind: A-
Homeland Security: John F. Kelly - somewhat independent minded: C+
UN Ambassador: Nikki Haley - former Governor: C
Budget: Mick Mulvaney - deficit hawk: C
CIA: Mike Pompeo - knowledgeable, no torture: C
Environment: Scott Pruitt
Legal Counsel: Donald McGahn
Press: Sean Spicer
All the missing grades are 'C-' and below. They will be held for further review. Let's give these people a chance to either be replaced, or find a way toward the light.
A note: men are over-represented in the above list (21 out of 25), as are other obvious categories (only one black American, one Latino, one Asian-American).
The easiest way forward is canning the worst and bringing in a good choice, as was done with the shockingly unfit Michael Flynn at National Security Advisor. This would be a good time to be looking for a new Attorney General, for example.
Just 10 of 25 receive passing grades!
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