Tuesday, October 23, 2018

What I'm Doing To Fight Climate Change

The Checklist

A recent article in Lifehacker, titled How To Demand Action on Climate Change, by Leigh Anderson, presented something of a checklist.  I run through it, below, with notes in dark green, on ways I'm addressing each item:

* You have power
I'd accentuate 'hope' as well as power; I've thought through a solution (see previous blog post) and written to three experts with a link.  
* Know where your elected officials stand
Generally, it's a Democratic (yes, we'll fight Climate Change) vs. Republican (no, we'll pretend)
* Focus on State and Local Gov.
I wrote to my state government official about a proposed hog confinement (boo) next to a local organic farm (yay)
* Take Action Yourself
I drive an 11-year-old hybrid that averages 35-40 mpg.  I drive it sparingly, trying to talk myself out of going places.
I eat mainly unprocessed, organic food.  I grow my own veggies.  We do eat dairy, fish and chicken; and occasional bison, however.
Waste less/compost
We eat just about everything we buy/grow; and we compost.  We recycle things like cardboard, as well as paper, and the usual.
Less disposables
I reuse plastic bags; I have totes for the supermarket; I do generate things that can't be recycled in the trash, but less.
Buy less stuff
We have a 20-year-old TV.  We generally don't give Christmas presents.
Energy efficient home
We have wind power (through the Sierra Club, which swaps local power for wind); we keep heating and cooling to a minimum, and wear sweaters, hats in the winter and few clothes in the summer.
Electric Car / cycling / carpool
My next car will be electric
Don’t support bad banks
I use Working Assets for $$ and Credo for my phone service
Lightbulbs etc., with link
Yes, we have efficient lighting, and a super efficient heating/cooling unit.
* More links at the article, above

Many people do much more than I do.

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