Monday, April 22, 2019

Climate: Let The Kids Take Over

#215: This Could Work

Step #1: Kids striking for the climate organize a tree planting program: any village or urban teen, anywhere around the world, can sign up for a donated tree.  Organizing help from the UN and tree planting NGOs.

#2: Teens who step forward become future community leaders RE: climate.

#3: Funding comes from donor countries, each of which donates 0.05% of their 2019 military budget.

#4: Even if all countries signed up--very unlikely, funding would be modest ($1.739 trillion in military spending x 0.0005 = $852 million), but it's a start that can be built up to what's needed in years ahead.

Additional details can be added by the teens themselves.  In some countries, trees would need to be watered.  In other countries, trees would need wire fencing to keep animals away.  Funding (only a twentieth of a penny on the military dollar!) can be sought from teens' home countries, building up from a few wealthier nations.

A single tree in a village or city center isn't much, but it brings focus to a first step, and it would be worldwide.  With teens organizing, who knows what follows.  Perhaps many times more saplings in likely settings.

Happy Earth Day!

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