Monday, March 29, 2021

Mystical or Missed-The-Call?

 #329: Do We Sensationalize The Everyday Surprise?


Here at the computer I can see my collection of persimmon wood (wonderful texture and gnarled structure).  One piece (see below) had been partially covered by a sweater set on a hanger.  I put the sweater outside early last fall to air out (I bought it for a few dollars at a 2nd-hand store), since I can't stand the artificial aromas that attend most detergents (it's got to be scent-free for me).

Well, yesterday was windy, and gazing out my window I noticed the sweater, blowing in the wind.  Then I remembered I'd planned to bring it in to wear before the cool weather was over.  After a half-year outside, it would smell wonderful.

That was at about noon, maybe a quarter after.  At 12:28 I saw a blur outside, and was shocked to realize the sweater had been blown off its hanger.

A person who appreciates the wonders of our world will think this mystical.  Had a sweater felt itself called by a nearby mind?  Was it eager to be put on?

Maybe, until I realized I could be blowing the call.  It's a bit disillusioning, but think about the logic in reverse.  I only noticed the sweater because it was moved by an especially strong wind.  If there'd been no wind, I wouldn't have thought about it.

So, to sum up, if I were a mystical person, I'd think it was nigh a miracle.  And if I were a science-only person, I'd be satisfied it was all happenstance.  Since I'm a mix of the two, I have to say I enjoyed the drama....  I did look at the sweater again just now, and saw that it has an 'Izod' brand stylized logo sporting the initials "I" and "Z".  Hmmm.

Photos taken Oct. 2nd, 2012

Another piece.  Why the swerve?

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