Sunday, December 11, 2016

Assignment: Pure Pessimism

Trump Tumbles 

I've had a few requests for a bad-news scenario, to go with post #99's upbeat case.  Ask and ye shall's this blog's 100th post:

1. This short New Yorker article by John Cassidy suggests a reason why Trump is picking such right wing hacks and anti-government types.  Namely, there's the untidy matter of Trump's conflicts-of-interest that might draw congressional hearings..., if it weren't for all the right-wing candy raining down on a congress controlled by Republicans.

2. But what if the bad news is even worse?  This Josh Marshall piece at TPM wonders whether Trump is so short of cash that he can't divest; that his conflicts-of-interest are something he'll have to live with.  Thus, the pass-it-on-to-the-kids strategy.

3. But this can be made even worse.  What if the operative word here is 'blackmail'?  If all the above is indeed correct, plus, since we know how sensitive Trump pride is, anyone who's owed Trump cash has power over him.

4. And one last step: What if it's a government that has that kind of control?  What if the Russians know they can count on their 'friend' because they have the goods on him?  This all but removes NATO as a deterrent.  This makes it easier for oil prices to rise.  This allows Russia to have its way in Syria, not to mention Ukraine and perhaps the Baltics, etc.   This may even be why Russia's been so eager to usher in a Trump presidency.

5. From Trump's perspective, his only chance is to be joined at the hip with right-wingers, certain military brass, and fat-cat corporate power.  They'll stick with him if the alternative is to miss out on their once-in-a-lifetime chance at getting everything they ever wanted.

6. Hard to know how this would play out, but there'd be one certainty: the Obama presidency would look mighty good, in retrospect, once the inevitable leaks reveal how bad things could, and perhaps have already gotten.

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