Friday, October 6, 2017

Drum (on a) Roll

Why He's #1

Checked in at Kevin Drum’s blog at Mother Jones this morning, and although he’s on vacation in London, he made the case for why I consider him a national treasure.

If this keeps up, Drum'll likely win the 2nd Annual Best Blogger Award—which would be two-in-a-row.  His Big 3 stories over the past 24 hours.

First, back on the fifth, he posts about the new universal translator, Google Pixel Buds, that will allow world citizens to speak in real time in different languages and understand one another.  That’s big.  I suppose if I was a techie I might have already heard about this, but having someone tech-savvy sorting through fantastic-sounding news is, well, awesome.

Second, also on the fifth, is an example of how effective Drum is at compressing news down to its basic elements, while at the same time coming up with the smart take.  New Report: Trump Planning to Decertify Iran Deal, makes the obvious case that Trump's decision is very dangerous, and that it does nothing but damage our side in multiple ways.  He ends his short post with a world weary shrug that acknowledges the moron’s thinking behind this move: “...undoing every last thing Obama accomplished.”

Third, from this morning, is the kind of careful record-keeping that makes anyone who looks into these things understand the Leninist win-at-any-cost drift of the Republican party: After Four Years, IRS Finally Confirms There Was No Targeting of Tea Party Groups.  This is why journalism has traditionally been based on cautious fact-gethering, and not on organizing the spread of propaganda.  God Bless them, every last journalist getting this assignment right.

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