#308: He Asked For Suggestions
Writing in Vox, Kelsey Piper and Sigal Samuel ID various factors that Musk should consider:
"* they’re important (affecting lots of lives),
* they’re tractable (there are ways to make progress), and
* they’re neglected (more resources would go a long way)
One possibility they discuss is making Artificial Intelligence safer. It's a relatively neglected area, and important (Musk himself has said so).
Not that there aren't obvious ways to spend one's philanthropy, but one thing absent from the article is any discussion of who. Sure, it's his money, but his plate is surely full. Why not let public input actually decide where the $$ goes? Since he's planning on only giving away $100 million or so at this time (most of his nearly $200 billion is in the form of stock, it seems), it might actually be possible to leverage that amount to generate even more for worthy causes by giving them exposure and focusing attention. Rather than blowing a thousand dollars on a gadget they'll hardly ever use, perhaps donors would receive even more satisfaction if they felt they had donated $1,000 to a good cause.
So, a website where you read about donation alternatives and vote for your 'top three', perhaps. And, there could of course be links, so that after reading about the alternatives, one could donate one's own money. Plus social media connections to spread the word.
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