#351: What He's Gotten Right/Wrong
1. Infrastructure First.
Although it's not really fair to compare the two, President Obama famously started his first term's agenda with Health Care. Perhaps President Biden, due to his many decades in the Senate, knew the road to success lay in the immediate and tangible needs of communities (roads, power, broadband). It's really no wonder that 17 Republican senators were willing to go along for the ride (at least initially), despite weak thunderings from the former president. Simply put, you don't want to vote against ribbon-cutting ceremonies that will happen anyway: "My opponent voted to keep you at the bottom of this pothole. Maybe he's OK with potholes. Maybe he has potholes near his house--kinda doubt that one." Forcing Republicans to help him pass Infrastructure gives Biden a glowing, bi-partisan sheen that ruins innumerable Republican talking points.
2. Ditch Loser Issues.
There's no way to make certain issues into winners. One example is expanding the Supreme Court. If he says 'no', he alienates his left flank. If he says 'yes' he's out on a shaky limb ("What'll he want to alter next, Motherhood?") Much better: appoint a panel to study the matter and report back.
Similarly, Immigration's a no-win issue. There are hundreds of millions of people who'd love to come to the US. Many millions will try. Saying 'no' comes across as mean. Saying 'yes' riles up the opposition, giving them perhaps their strongest talking point ("He's flooding the country with more and more people.") Much better to hand over the issue to Vice President Harris.
3. Be A Populist.
Always stand with the Little Guy, and don't look back. Although Republicans have the uncanny ability to frame Democrats as elitists, the antidote is, for example, to say that nobody making less than $400,000 pays more taxes.
Or, put checks in mailboxes. There's little that can be criticized about that, especially if there's a sliding scale that chokes off payments beyond a certain 'Average Guy' amount.
Regularly speak about monopolies, unfair advantages, and fat cat corporations that don't pay taxes.
1. Didn't Can The Space Force.
Dumping the military's fifth branch could have been a way to underline cost-containment in government. A first step along that path, that could've led to further reductions, simplifications and efficiencies. The excess government talking point is one of the most effective for Republicans. This was a missed opportunity.
2. Minor (only) Media Outreach.
We'll end where we began, by comparing Biden and Obama. There's of course no comparison. Biden is liked because, though he's plain and simple, he tries. Obama, because he leans towards humility, but he's obviously majestic--in movement, oratory and humor. So, obviously, Biden shouldn't try for a major media splash, himself. But, getting a message out these days requires more than a press release. Ideas:
* Surrogates flooding the Sunday talk shows.
* Telegenic spokespersons on late night comedy shows, with Biden on live remote.
* A touring Chautauqua featuring cabinet secretaries, celebrities and music, that would discuss issues of the day, getting out the Biden Administration's message.
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