Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Comeuppance Show

 #357: Skewering The Wrongheaded


"Capitalism is the problem" is a trendy refrain that's...imprecise at best.  What critics of capitalism are usually objecting to is salesmanship taking over from actual worth.  Their valid critique is that when someone trys to sell something, their own interests in selling often trump their objectivity.

On the other hand, someone who borrows money to set up a workshop in her attic, where she makes jewelry, which she then sells online at a reasonable price, meanwhile paying off her loan, is of course participating in the capitalist system.  And most critics of capitalism would say there's nothing wrong with doing that.

What upsets most critics are unethical actions surrounding the buying and selling of merchandise.  Misrepresenting what one sells, destroying one's competition in order to corner a market, deceiving one's customers, donating to politicians in exchange for business 'assistance'.  There's even the unsustainable degradation of the natural world for profit.     

I wonder if TV networks have ever considered a half hour sketch show that skewers some of the more wrongheaded salesmanship in our economy.  

Here's an example: Lovable stop motion animals are having a picnic deep in the forest, next to a babbling brook.  Half-way through, a Mr Toad -like creature, oblivious to the impact of his actions, sends the picnickers in all directions as he drives a huge SUV up the creek bed.  He's being filmed for a commercial that touts a vehicle that "can go anywhere".   He drives off, leaving a mudhole, with the other animals in various states of disarray.  Several staggering characters hold up a banner that reads: "Attention Toads: Please Use Roads" 

A companion website could host the show's content and allow for explainers ("Despite what you see in commercials, please stay out of natural areas.") and interaction.

The feel would be light-hearted, fun, but thoughtful.  Like the best of cartoons.

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