Monday, May 13, 2019

Senator Amy Klobuchar Opens Up

#221: I Review Her Fox News Town Hall

On May 8th, Amy Klobuchar had a big break: a whole 60-minute, prime-time appearance.  Did she take advantage?  I'll list a few quick points that occurred to me as I watched (as I've said before, I think she's probably the Democrat's best bet).

1. Inclusive but firm.
2. Didn't pounce on female host's gaffe ("the buckeye state", instead of the badger state); this was smart, since antagonizing your host is for dumbbells--usually male candidates looking to 'score'.
3. Didn't flinch from hard truths (her abortion rights position), but described them in a calming, non-threatening voice (example: contraception means fewer abortions).
4. Happy; she even smiled through the Kavanaugh discussion.  It's hard to incite fear of a pleasant woman who's in a groove.
5. Didn't stumble once.  Her delivery was graceful, even cracking jokes in the moment (host's fear of a filibustering senator).
6. Fluent in local-speak: referencing mother's Milwaukee upbringing, football rivalry joke, deplorable ag sector suicides.
7. Had a few whispers for herself, which emphasized her clear enunciation and nuanced volume dial.
8. I was not expecting the cheering spectators, the rousing campaign clips shown at start, and the hosts being perfectly respectful--though pinched, compared to Klobuchar's hearty, smiling virtuosity.

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