Monday, January 3, 2022

Fleeting = Humor

 #381: The Longer One Looks....


Why is it that lingering too long over a joke will usually kill it?

We watched Simpson Christmas-themed episodes this holiday season, and so I decided to revisit a Simpsons Bookmark I've saved for a year or two that promises to explain some of the show's inside jokes.  That eagerly anticipated bookmark turned into something approaching a let-down though, as it's hard for a joke to pass the one-second threshold and withstand a thorough examination.

That's even true for us when watching The Simpsons with a DVR.  We stop the action, go back and look at those banners, signs and other details one doesn't have time to read in live action.  But we rarely linger.

There's something about humor that's understood by our ears the second we hear it.  It's either TRUE, or not.  After that it's a mere echo of its former self.


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